Computational Diagnostics Group compdiag MPI for Molecular Genetics

Group Members
Dept. Vingron
Group Seminar
NGFN Microarray Data Analysis Resource

Joint Group Meeting: previous talks

of Kinetic Modelling Group (Edda Klipp) and Computational Diagnostics Group (Rainer Spang).


04.09.2006 Stefan Bentink !TODAY!
28.08.2006 Dennis Kostka !TODAY!
21.08.2006 Stefanie Scheid !TODAY!
14.08.2006 Johannes Höhne !TODAY!
07.08.2006 Renate Kirschner-Schwaabe Dialektik zwischen Speise Eis und TEL AML1
31.07.2006 Rainer Spang !TODAY!
17.07.2006 Jochen Jäger Proteinfunktionsvorhersage mit Markov Zufallsfeldern
10.07.2006 Jochen Jäger Protein function prediction with Markov Random Fields
26.06.2006 Stefan Bentink !TODAY!
19.06.2006 Dennis Kostka !TODAY!
12.06.2006 Fabian Theis !TODAY!
05.06.2006 Pfingstmontag !TODAY!
29.05.2006 Christine Steinhoff !TODAY!
15.05.2006 Stefanie Scheid
08.05.2006 Juby Jacob !TODAY!
24.04.2006 Claudio Lottaz How many samples must a doctor collect, before he can diagnose
17.04.2006 Ostermontag !TODAY!
10.04.2006 Florian Markowetz !TODAY!
03.04.2006 Jochen Jäger !TODAY!
27.03.2006 Rainer Spang !TODAY!
20.03.2006 Stefan Bentink !TODAY! Cookymeeting
13.03.2006 Dennis Kostka !TODAY!
06.03.2006 Stefanie Scheid !TODAY!
27.02.2006 Jochen Jäger !TODAY!
20.02.2006 Florian Markowetz Clustering objects on subsets of attributes
13.02.2006 Claudio Lottaz Comparing ordered lists with ambiguous mappings
06.02.2006 Rainer Spang !TODAY!
30.01.2006 Stefan Bentink !TODAY! Cytogenetic pathway models
23.01.2006 Dennis Kostka !TODAY! About LARS
16.01.2006 Stefanie Scheid !TODAY! First update on package OrderedList
09.01.2006 Florian Markowetz !TODAY!
02.01.2006 Florian Markowetz !TODAY!
26.12.2005 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag !TODAY!
19.12.2005 Jochen Jäger Oncogenic pathway rediscovery
12.12.2005 Martin Held !TODAY!
05.12.2005 Rainer Spang !TODAY!
28.11.2005 Stefan Bentink cookie meeting
21.11.2005 Dennis Kostka !TODAY!
14.11.2005 Stefanie Scheid !TODAY!
31.10.2005 Florian Markowetz Interpreting RNAi data in fly and worm
24.10.2005 Rainer Spang !TODAY!
17.10.2005 Stefan Bentink Lymphoma News
10.10.2005 IBCB workshop !TODAY!
03.10.2005 Tag der deutschen Einheit !TODAY!
26.09.2005 Dennis Kostka !TODAY! Gene selection a Bayesian variable selection approach
19.09.2005 Matteo Pardo Feature Selection
12.09.2005 Stefanie Scheid News from TWILIGHT
05.09.2005 Rainer Spang !TODAY! seminar cancelled
29.08.2005 Florian Markowetz !TODAY!
22.08.2005 Claudio Lottaz !TODAY!
15.08.2005 Jochen Jäger Journal club Tsai et al; Sample size for gene expression microarray experiments
08.08.2005 Stefan Bentink Lymphoma update
25.07.2005 Dennis Kostka Ong et al.: Learning the Kernel with Hyperkernels
18.07.2005 Stefanie Scheid Journal Club David Bickel Desiribility and the decisive False Discovery Rate
11.07.2005 Rainer Spang Selected problems in computational biology
04.07.2005 Axel Kowald The Evolution of the Genetic Code
27.06.2005 Michael Schimek Empirical Bayes Thresholding vs. Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM)
20.06.2005 Florian Markowetz Driessche et al Epistasis analysis with global transcriptional phenotypes [ abstract ]
13.06.2005 Stefanie Scheid A close examination of artefacts in p value distributions
06.06.2005 Antje Purmann Chromosomal clustering of transcriptomes in human and mouse
30.05.2005 Ringsberg Retreat no group seminar
23.05.2005 Xinan Yang A cross study Comparison of Gene Expression Studies
09.05.2005 Ioannis Filippis
02.05.2005 Joerg Schaber Kinetic Model Discrimination in Cell Signalling
25.04.2005 Edda Klipp
18.04.2005 Dennis Kostka
11.04.2005 Dennis Kostka Evgeniou et al Regularization Networks and Support Vektor Machines
04.04.2005 Jochen Jäger Diagnostic Chip Normalization
28.03.2005 Ostermontag
21.03.2005 Day of Science
14.03.2005 Rainer Spang Six open problems in computational diagnostics
07.03.2005 Rene Hoffmann 3d model of pheromone signaling
21.02.2005 Axel Kowald Stochastic simulations of mitochondrial mutations and the secret of aging!
14.02.2005 Simon Borger
07.02.2005 Dennis Kostka about the 632+ estimation of the error rate
31.01.2005 Florian Hahne (DKFZ) High throughput assays to discover cell cycle modulators in cancer [ abstract | pdf ]
24.01.2005 Stefanie Scheid, Claudio Lottaz Survival Analysis Journal Club
17.01.2005 Xinan Yang Meta analysis of multiple cancers
10.01.2005 Michael Lappe Structural Proteomics


15.12.2004 Stefanie Scheid Biclustering III
14.12.2004 Stefanie Scheid Biclustering Seminar II
13.12.2004 Jochen Jäger Biclustering Overview
06.12.2004 Dr. A. Heger, MRC Functional Genetics Unit, Oxford Domain decomposition and transitive alignments
30.11.2004 Jörn Tödling Detecting Leukaemia by Flow Cytometry
22.11.2004 Bernd Binder Modeling of MAP kinase cascades
15.11.2004 Birgit Pils Variability of location and conservation in interacting sites
08.11.2004 Dr. Best Canceled
01.11.2004 Djork Clevert,
Neural Information Processing Group, TU-Berlin
Preprocessing of Affymetrix gene expression data
25.10.2004 Claudio Lottaz Pipeline status
29.09.2004 Rohan Williams Measuring the influence of genetic variation (at 15 00)
27.09.2004 Alexei Antonov to be announced
20.09.2004 Joerg Schaber the Sho branch of the HOG pathway in yeast
13.09.2004 Amit Sinha (CASE, Cleveland)
06.09.2004 Harald Steck (ETH Zürich) Recovery of Gene Networks from High Throughput Data
30.08.2004 Stefan Bentink
23.08.2004 Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Aventis Science & Technology) Impact of Pharmacogenomics for drug development
16.08.2004 Axel Kowald
09.08.2004 Stefan Bleuler (ETH Zürich)
02.08.2004 Martin Held
26.07.2004 Dennis Kostka Differential coexpression ismb dry run
19.07.2004 Simon Borger Network Component Analysis
12.07.2004 Xinan Yang
05.07.2004 Dirk Metlzer (Uni Frankfurt) Stochastic Insertion Deletion Processes and Statistical Sequence Alignment
21.06.2004 Michael Schimek (Medical University of Graz) Gene expression screening by empirical Bayes thresholding
14.06.2004 Romilde Manzoni Modeling of G1 S Transition in the Yeast Cell Cycle
07.06.2004 Florian Markowetz LNdW Preliminary Show
31.05.2004 Pfingstmontag
25.05.2004 Claudio Lottaz BCB Symposium rehearsal pipeline discussion
25.05.2004 Claudio Lottaz BCB Symposium rehearsal pipeline discussion
17.05.2004 Rainer Breitling (Glasgow) Techniques for the automated interpretation of microarray experiments
10.05.2004 Jochen Jäger LNdW (Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft) Brainstorming
03.05.2004 Gerrit Schramm (MDC) Array Normalization
26.04.2004 Bente Kofahl
19.04.2004 Sebastian Schmeier A Brief Overview of Information Extraction
12.04.2004 Osterhasi Where did I hide my easter eggs?
05.04.2004 Alexander Riemer
29.03.2004 Utz Pape Bagging Bayesian Networks
Mar 22 (13:00-18:00) Martin / Stefan / Rainer compdiag strategy meeting on data processing pipelines
Mar 08 Simon Introduction to Genetic Algorithms/Genetic Programming
Mar 01 (13:00-18:00) Stefanie GfKl 2004 contest: Correspondence clustering of Dortmund city districts [ abstract | ps ] [entfallen]
Feb 23 Axel Stochastic modelling of the accumulation of defective mitochondria during the aging process
Feb 16 Dennis Finding disease specific alterations in the co-expression of genes [ abstract | pdf ]
Feb 9 Arne Neumann Univ. Greifswald Analysis of proteomics data
Feb 03
Tuesday 2 pm
Ulrich Mansmann Univ. Heidelberg Simulation techniques to support the design and analysis of microarray experiments [ abstract ]
Jan 12
Juliane Schäfer, Univ. Munich A Practical Approach to Inferring Graphical Models from Short Microarray Time Series Data [ abstract | pdf ]
  Anja Wille, ETH Zürich Graphical gaussian models for inferring genetic regulatory networks [ abstract | pdf ]
  Florian Causal graphical models and interventions [ abstract | pdf ]
Jan 05 Stefanie Introduction to kernel smoothing [ pdf ]


Dez 15 ausgefallen
Dez 08 Jochen Data security and safety of medical data - legal and technical aspects
Dez 01 Florian Learning Gaussian Networks
Nov 24 Sepp Hochreiter, TU Berlin Gene Selection for Microarray Data
Nov 17 Dennis untitled
Nov 10 ausgefallen wegen ngfn microarray workshop
Nov 03 Jörn Chromatin Remodeling & Gene Expression
Oct 27 ausgefallen
Oct 20 Nicola , EURANDOM Identifying transcription factor binding sites
Oct 13 Martin My internship at Computational Diagnostics Group [ pdf ]
Sep 22 Claudio Modelling sequencing errors by combining hidden Markov models (ECCB dry run)
Sep 09 Dennis ausgefallen
Sep 01 Andreas ausgefallen
Aug 25 Jörn ausgefallen
Aug 18 Rainer Gene Expression Based Tumor Classification Using Biologically Informed Models
Aug 11 Stefanie An introduction to curve estimation [ pdf ]
Aug 04 Florian Learning networks from knockouts and RNAi [ pdf ]
Jul 28 Olga Krebs, DKFZ Heidelberg Datamanagement-system for geneexpression data
Jul 21 Jochen Clinical chip design, sequential methods
Jul 07 Axel Kinetic modelling helps to understand oxidative stress caused by an antioxidant [ pdf ]
Jun 16 Claudio BioConductor Rel. 1.2
Jun 03 Edda Robustness of control in metabolic networks [ pdf ]
Mai 26 Julie Navigation through structured microarray analysis towards clarified diagnosis [ pdf ]
Mai 12 Sebastian Classification of biochemical texts using statistical learning methods [ pdf ]
Mai 05 Dennis Y. Cheng and G.M. Church, ISMB 2000
Apr 28 Jörn Oncogenesis
Apr 07 Stefanie Two methods to separate the score distributions of induced and non-induced genes [ pdf ]
Mar 24 Nicolai Meinshausen, ETH Zürich Discoveries at Risk
Mar 17 Wolfram relation between simulated control coefficients and expression data
Mar 10 Florian Canonical Correlation Analysis with Kernels [ pdf ]
Mar 03 Dirk Klingbiel Singular Value Decomposition for Feature Selection in cDNA Arrays [ pdf ]
Feb 24 Jochen About the PSB [ pdf ]
Feb 17 Axel Kowald Finding modules in metabolic networks
Feb 10 Christine Hacker Comparative Analysis of Gene Expression Repertoires in Hematopoietic and Neural Stem Cells
Feb 03 Christoph Dieterich Annotating regulatory DNA based on man-mouse genomic comparison
Jan 20 Claudio Lottaz StAM - Structured Analysis of Microarray Data [ pdf ]
Jan 13 Renate Kirschner Structure and function of fusion gene products in childhood acute leukemia [ pdf ]


Dec 18 Edda News from the 3rd ICSB
Dec 09 Dennis About B-Cell Lymphomas [ pdf ]
Dec 02 Stefanie Higher Criticism for Heterogenious Mixtueres [ pdf ]
Nov 20 Stefan Gene Ontology as a tool for the systematic analysis of large-scale gene-expression data [ ppt ]
Nov 11 Julie Floch
Université Evry-Val d'Essonne, Paris
Nov 04 Jörg Rahnenführer
MPI Informatik, Saarbrücken
Robust clustering methods for microarrays: Image analysis and tumor classification
Oct 28 Jochen News from ECCB [ pdf ]
Oct 21 Michael Stadler
Institute of Immunology, University of Bern
Allergenicity prediction using sequence profiles [ pdf ]
Oct 14 Thomas Manke Network Topologies
Oct 07 Stefanie Penalized logistic regression [ pdf ]
Sep 30 Wolfram Linear models for data analysis [ pdf ]
Sep 23 Oliver Ebenhoeh, HU Berlin Evolutionary Optimization of Metabolic Structures
Sep 09 Edda Modelling of Signal Transduction
Sep 09 Konstantin Strauch, IMBIE Bonn Grundlagen der Kopplungsanalyse und Erweiterungen für genetisch komplexe Krankheiten
Sep 02 Stefan Molecular Biology of Cancer [ pdf ]
Aug 26 Axel Kowald Von Konzentration zu Regulation. Mögliche Ansätze zur Rekonstruktion genetischer Netzwerke [ pdf ]
Aug 19 Jürgen von Frese, ICB Münster Kritische Aspekte in der systematischen Analyse von Microarray-Daten
Aug 12 Sven Rahmann Rapid Large Scale Oligonucleotide Selection for Microarrays [ pdf ]
Aug 05 Florian Conditional Independence and d-separation
Jul 29 Rainer Brainstorming
Jul 22 Jochen Improved gene selection in microarrays by combining clustering and statistical techniques [ pdf | ppt ]
Jul 08 Wolfram Optimality constraints on gene expression patterns [ pdf ]
Jul 01 Tim Classification of microarray samples [ pdf | ppt ]
Jun 24 Sven Oligo Selection
Jun 17 Stefanie False Discovery Rate [ pdf ]
Jun 10 Florian Introduction to Bayesian Networks [ pdf ]
Jun 03 Dirk Holste Analysis of chr21 and chr22
Mai 27 Claudio BioConductor - R for microarray analysis [ pdf | ppt ]
Mai 13 Christine Comparison of Normalization Methods
Mai 06 Matthias Scholz, Fraunhofer Institut FIRST Nonlinear PCA: a new hierarchical approach.
Apr 29 Claudio A glance at microarry data management [ pdf | ppt ]
Apr 22 Anja Variance stabilization and robust normalization for microarray gene expression data
Apr 15 Florian Support Vector Machines
Apr 08 Stefanie Affymetrix continued
Mar 25 Stefanie Affymetrix
Mar 03 Rainer Brainstorming
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