Supplement to
Molecular Decomposition of Complex Clinical Phenotypes
using Biologically Structured Analysis of Microarray Data
Claudio Lottaz and
Rainer Spang
Today, the characterization of clinical phenotypes by distinctive
gene expression patterns obtained from Microarrays is widely used
in clinical research. However, it is still a challenging task,
if the clinical phenotype is complex from the molecular point of view.
The same clinical phenotype can be caused by
various molecular disorders, such that one observes different
characteristic expression patterns in different patients.
In this paper we describe a novel algorithm called
Structured Analysis of Microarrays (StAM),
which accounts for molecular heterogeneity of complex
clinical phenotypes. In addition to the expression data our algorithm
also exploits functional annotations from the Gene
Ontology database. On three publicly available cancer-related
microarray data sets, we show that StAM achieves
state-of-the-art prediction accuracy, while at the same time uncovering
potential molecular disease sub-entities and associating them to biological
microarrays, gene expression profiles, class
prediction, Gene Ontology, molecular symptom, complex phenotype.
Berlin Center for Genome based Bioinformatics
Max-Planck-Institute for
Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Computational Diagnostics Group