Computational Diagnostics Group compdiag MPI for Molecular Genetics

Group Members
Dept. Vingron
Group Seminar
NGFN Microarray Data Analysis Resource

Group Meeting

of the Computational Diagnostics Group

Our groupmeeting takes place mondays 2:30 to 3:30 pm in the big seminarroom on the third floor of Tower 2.

The next speakers will be:

11.09.2006 Rainer Spang !TODAY!
18.09.2006 Claudio Lottaz
25.09.2006 Juby Jacob
02.10.2006 Stefanie Scheid
09.10.2006 Dennis Kostka
16.10.2006 Stefan Bentink
23.10.2006 Rainer Spang
30.10.2006 Jochen Jäger
06.11.2006 Claudio Lottaz
13.11.2006 Juby Jacob
20.11.2006 Stefanie Scheid
27.11.2006 Dennis Kostka
04.12.2006 Stefan Bentink
11.12.2006 Rainer Spang
18.12.2006 Jochen Jäger
25.12.2006 1. Weihnachtsfeiertag
01.01.2007 Neujahr
08.01.2007 Claudio Lottaz
15.01.2007 Juby Jacob

Volunteers are welcome to fill in gaps and future talks!
To get on the list, just contact Dennis or add yourself.

Some of the older talks can be found here.

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