GO:0009653 | morphogenesis | Biological Process |
GO:0009653 | morphogenesis |
The following 64 of these are used in classification:
Symbol | Genename | ADENO score | other score | |
38918_at | SOX13 | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 13 | -0.2356 | 0.5117 |
1237_at | IER3 | immediate early response 3 | 0.2147 | -0.4662 |
897_at | PKD1 | polycystic kidney disease 1 (autosomal dominant) | -0.1994 | 0.433 |
38439_at | NFE2L1 | nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 1 | -0.1855 | 0.4029 |
36508_at | GPC4 | glypican 4 | 0.1707 | -0.3708 |
39350_at | GPC3 | glypican 3 | -0.1697 | 0.3687 |
36702_at | TBX19 | T-box 19 | -0.1675 | 0.3638 |
36708_at | CPM | carboxypeptidase M | 0.1646 | -0.3574 |
40445_at | ELF3 | E74-like factor 3 (ets domain transcription factor, epithelial-specific ) | 0.1385 | -0.3008 |
37920_at | PITX1 | paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1 | -0.1335 | 0.29 |
32706_at | HIRA | HIR histone cell cycle regulation defective homolog A (S. cerevisiae) | -0.1274 | 0.2767 |
34296_at | MID1 | midline 1 (Opitz/BBB syndrome) | -0.1226 | 0.2663 |
38772_at | CYR61 | cysteine-rich, angiogenic inducer, 61 | 0.1114 | -0.2418 |
32521_at | SFRP1 | secreted frizzled-related protein 1 | -0.0934 | 0.2027 |
40454_at | FAT | FAT tumor suppressor homolog 1 (Drosophila) | -0.0898 | 0.195 |
34490_f_at | FSCN2 | fascin homolog 2, actin-bundling protein, retinal (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) | 0.0882 | -0.1915 |
33128_s_at | CST6 | cystatin E/M | 0.0852 | -0.185 |
33558_at | TBX5 | T-box 5 | -0.0804 | 0.1747 |
31851_at | RFP2 | ret finger protein 2 | -0.0803 | 0.1743 |
34986_at | EVA1 | epithelial V-like antigen 1 | 0.0789 | -0.1713 |
163_at | DVL1 | dishevelled, dsh homolog 1 (Drosophila) | 0.0717 | -0.1557 |
34891_at | DNCL1 | dynein, cytoplasmic, light polypeptide 1 | -0.0665 | 0.1444 |
31602_at | TBX6 | T-box 6 | 0.0555 | -0.1206 |
36370_at | FOXE1 | forkhead box E1 (thyroid transcription factor 2) | -0.0543 | 0.1179 |
33565_at | TSHB | thyroid stimulating hormone, beta | -0.0528 | 0.1148 |
1886_at | WNT7A | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 7A | 0.0507 | -0.1102 |
40328_at | TWIST1 | twist homolog 1 (acrocephalosyndactyly 3; Saethre-Chotzen syndrome) (Drosophila) | 0.0431 | -0.0936 |
33129_at | CST6 | cystatin E/M | 0.0427 | -0.0928 |
41427_at | WNT11 | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 | 0.0407 | -0.0883 |
1853_at | WNT1 | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 1 | 0.0365 | -0.0792 |
205_g_at | HOXA4 | homeo box A4 | -0.0355 | 0.0772 |
37139_at | ED1 | ectodermal dysplasia 1, anhidrotic | -0.0343 | 0.0744 |
41586_at | FGF18 | fibroblast growth factor 18 | 0.0314 | -0.0682 |
39605_at | FOXG1B | forkhead box G1B | -0.0296 | 0.0643 |
31669_s_at | HOXA11 | homeo box A11 | 0.0274 | -0.0594 |
34058_at | ZNF141 | zinc finger protein 141 (clone pHZ-44) | -0.0271 | 0.0588 |
836_at | PTCH | patched homolog (Drosophila) | -0.0242 | 0.0525 |
38181_at | MMP11 | matrix metalloproteinase 11 (stromelysin 3) | 0.0227 | -0.0493 |
40403_at | MYOC | myocilin, trabecular meshwork inducible glucocorticoid response | -0.0227 | 0.0493 |
2050_s_at | RAC1 | ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (rho family, small GTP binding protein Rac1) | 0.0205 | -0.0446 |
32474_at | PAX7 | paired box gene 7 | 0.0203 | -0.0441 |
33684_at | WNT2B | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2B | -0.019 | 0.0412 |
204_at | HOXA4 | homeo box A4 | -0.0184 | 0.0399 |
1525_s_at | FGF8 | fibroblast growth factor 8 (androgen-induced) | 0.0182 | -0.0394 |
39297_at | MAB21L1 | mab-21-like 1 (C. elegans) | -0.0176 | 0.0381 |
996_at | FGF1 | fibroblast growth factor 1 (acidic) | -0.0169 | 0.0366 |
2030_at | WNT11 | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 | 0.0156 | -0.0339 |
36693_at | EYA3 | eyes absent homolog 3 (Drosophila) | -0.0153 | 0.0333 |
380_at | TBX5 | T-box 5 | -0.0127 | 0.0275 |
38959_s_at | CASR | calcium-sensing receptor (hypocalciuric hypercalcemia 1, severe neonatal hyperparathyroidism) | 0.0104 | -0.0226 |
39808_at | WNT11 | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 | -0.0093 | 0.0202 |
160040_at | EDN3 | endothelin 3 | -0.0081 | 0.0177 |
33330_at | CLTCL1 | clathrin, heavy polypeptide-like 1 | -0.0081 | 0.0176 |
34251_at | HOXB5 | homeo box B5 | -0.0075 | 0.0164 |
37865_at | EDN3 | endothelin 3 | -0.0058 | 0.0125 |
34631_at | EYA4 | eyes absent homolog 4 (Drosophila) | -0.0054 | 0.0118 |
35865_at | NR5A2 | nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 2 | 0.0049 | -0.0107 |
31620_at | TBX10 | T-box 10 | 0.0048 | -0.0105 |
1902_at | ERCC1 | excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 1 (includes overlapping antisense sequence) | 0.0028 | -0.006 |
38988_at | WHSC1 | Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 | 0.0026 | -0.0056 |
1878_g_at | ERCC1 | excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 1 (includes overlapping antisense sequence) | 0.0014 | -0.0029 |
40393_at | HOXA4 | homeo box A4 | -7e-04 | 0.0014 |
41869_at | PES1 | pescadillo homolog 1, containing BRCT domain (zebrafish) | 6e-04 | -0.0014 |
37073_at | EYA1 | eyes absent homolog 1 (Drosophila) | -3e-04 | 7e-04 |
Sensitivity | Specificity | |
ADENO | 0.96403 | 0.79688 |
other | 0.79688 | 0.96403 |
Sensitivity | Specificity | |
ADENO | 0.96403 | 0.79688 |
other | 0.79688 | 0.96403 |
Class | ADENO | other | Predictionn | |
CL2001031606AA (testset) | other | 0.02559 | 0.97441 | other |
CL2001031607AA (testset) | other | 0.64274 | 0.35726 | ADENO |
CL2001031608AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95022 | 0.04978 | ADENO |
CL2001031609AA (testset) | other | 0.01051 | 0.98949 | other |
CL2001031611AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.82928 | 0.17072 | ADENO |
CL2001031612AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.90088 | 0.09912 | ADENO |
CL2001031613AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96396 | 0.03604 | ADENO |
CL2001031615AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95174 | 0.04826 | ADENO |
CL2001031616AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.72232 | 0.27768 | ADENO |
CL2001031618AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98968 | 0.01032 | ADENO |
CL2001031620AA (testset) | other | 0.05004 | 0.94996 | other |
CL2001031621AA (testset) | other | 0.21976 | 0.78024 | other |
CL2001031622AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.18024 | 0.81976 | other |
CL2001031625AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98594 | 0.01406 | ADENO |
CL2001031627AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98367 | 0.01633 | ADENO |
CL2001031628AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99525 | 0.00475 | ADENO |
CL2001031629AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.86189 | 0.13811 | ADENO |
CL2001031630AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99598 | 0.00402 | ADENO |
CL2001031631AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99808 | 0.00192 | ADENO |
CL2001031632AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.78483 | 0.21517 | ADENO |
CL2001031634AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99808 | 0.00192 | ADENO |
CL2001031635AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99052 | 0.00948 | ADENO |
CL2001031636AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.92298 | 0.07702 | ADENO |
CL2001032002AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.741 | 0.259 | ADENO |
CL2001032005AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.90774 | 0.09226 | ADENO |
CL2001032008AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98255 | 0.01745 | ADENO |
CL2001032009AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97529 | 0.02471 | ADENO |
CL2001032010AA (testset) | other | 0.91076 | 0.08924 | ADENO |
CL2001032011AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97867 | 0.02133 | ADENO |
CL2001032012AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9996 | 4e-04 | ADENO |
CL2001032013AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96046 | 0.03954 | ADENO |
CL2001032015AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.58551 | 0.41449 | ADENO |
CL2001032016AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9931 | 0.0069 | ADENO |
CL2001032019AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98862 | 0.01138 | ADENO |
CL2001032020AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9836 | 0.0164 | ADENO |
CL2001032025AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.94276 | 0.05724 | ADENO |
CL2001032026AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99123 | 0.00877 | ADENO |
CL2001032027AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96068 | 0.03932 | ADENO |
CL2001032030AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.88955 | 0.11045 | ADENO |
CL2001032031AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.88331 | 0.11669 | ADENO |
CL2001032032AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97068 | 0.02932 | ADENO |
CL2001032034AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.38387 | 0.61613 | other |
CL2001032036AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.01858 | 0.98142 | other |
CL2001032041AA (testset) | other | 0.22911 | 0.77089 | other |
CL2001032043AA (testset) | other | 0.07275 | 0.92725 | other |
CL2001032044AA (testset) | other | 0.0014 | 0.9986 | other |
CL2001032045AA (testset) | other | 0.15589 | 0.84411 | other |
CL2001032046AA (testset) | other | 0.23296 | 0.76704 | other |
CL2001032101AA (testset) | other | 0.03244 | 0.96756 | other |
CL2001032102AA (testset) | other | 0.53718 | 0.46282 | ADENO |
CL2001032103AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9941 | 0.0059 | ADENO |
CL2001032104AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98117 | 0.01883 | ADENO |
CL2001032105AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98547 | 0.01453 | ADENO |
CL2001032107AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98068 | 0.01932 | ADENO |
CL2001032108AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99276 | 0.00724 | ADENO |
CL2001032109AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99468 | 0.00532 | ADENO |
CL2001032110AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99471 | 0.00529 | ADENO |
CL2001032111AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99793 | 0.00207 | ADENO |
CL2001032113AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.91037 | 0.08963 | ADENO |
CL2001032114AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98584 | 0.01416 | ADENO |
CL2001032115AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99126 | 0.00874 | ADENO |
CL2001032116AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98892 | 0.01108 | ADENO |
CL2001032117AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.94489 | 0.05511 | ADENO |
CL2001032121AA (testset) | other | 0.02143 | 0.97857 | other |
CL2001032122AA (testset) | other | 0.15038 | 0.84962 | other |
CL2001032124AA (testset) | other | 0.01148 | 0.98852 | other |
CL2001032125AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.81342 | 0.18658 | ADENO |
CL2001032127AA (testset) | other | 0.0569 | 0.9431 | other |
CL2001032128AA (testset) | other | 0.05866 | 0.94134 | other |
CL2001032129AA (testset) | other | 0.00344 | 0.99656 | other |
CL2001032130AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98452 | 0.01548 | ADENO |
CL2001032132AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.93653 | 0.06347 | ADENO |
CL2001032134AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.86346 | 0.13654 | ADENO |
CL2001032135AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.93058 | 0.06942 | ADENO |
CL2001032136AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95118 | 0.04882 | ADENO |
CL2001032138AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99086 | 0.00914 | ADENO |
CL2001032141AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.91012 | 0.08988 | ADENO |
CL2001032142AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.07644 | 0.92356 | other |
CL2001032144AA (testset) | other | 0.21363 | 0.78637 | other |
CL2001032145AA (testset) | other | 0.01135 | 0.98865 | other |
CL2001032147AA (testset) | other | 0.58386 | 0.41614 | ADENO |
CL2001032149AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.92145 | 0.07855 | ADENO |
CL2001032151AA (testset) | other | 0.00325 | 0.99675 | other |
CL2001032152AA (testset) | other | 0.0576 | 0.9424 | other |
CL2001032153AA (testset) | other | 0.01583 | 0.98417 | other |
CL2001032155AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.80863 | 0.19137 | ADENO |
CL2001032156AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.66042 | 0.33958 | ADENO |
CL2001032202AA (testset) | other | 0.15098 | 0.84902 | other |
CL2001032206AA (testset) | other | 0.56862 | 0.43138 | ADENO |
CL2001032207AA (testset) | other | 0.00924 | 0.99076 | other |
CL2001032209AA (testset) | other | 0.00846 | 0.99154 | other |
CL2001032210AA (testset) | other | 0.00065 | 0.99935 | other |
CL2001032211AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95449 | 0.04551 | ADENO |
CL2001032212AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9387 | 0.0613 | ADENO |
CL2001032213AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.7818 | 0.2182 | ADENO |
CL2001032214AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.69999 | 0.30001 | ADENO |
CL2001032217AA (testset) | other | 0.40587 | 0.59413 | other |
CL2001032218AA (testset) | other | 0.4991 | 0.5009 | other |
CL2001032219AA (testset) | other | 0.35172 | 0.64828 | other |
CL2001032220AA (testset) | other | 0.8234 | 0.1766 | ADENO |
CL2001032222AA (testset) | other | 0.44191 | 0.55809 | other |
CL2001032229AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96786 | 0.03214 | ADENO |
CL2001032231AA (testset) | other | 0.5419 | 0.4581 | ADENO |
CL2001032232AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99396 | 0.00604 | ADENO |
CL2001032233AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9958 | 0.0042 | ADENO |
CL2001032238AA (testset) | other | 0.08925 | 0.91075 | other |
CL2001032239AA (testset) | other | 0.00778 | 0.99222 | other |
CL2001032240AA (testset) | other | 0.12364 | 0.87636 | other |
CL2001032241AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99308 | 0.00692 | ADENO |
CL2001032242AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98875 | 0.01125 | ADENO |
CL2001032243AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98066 | 0.01934 | ADENO |
CL2001032248AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96015 | 0.03985 | ADENO |
CL2001032249AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99351 | 0.00649 | ADENO |
CL2001032252AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99117 | 0.00883 | ADENO |
CL2001032254AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99919 | 0.00081 | ADENO |
CL2001032255AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.92297 | 0.07703 | ADENO |
CL2001032256AA (testset) | other | 0.92359 | 0.07641 | ADENO |
CL2001032259AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.76793 | 0.23207 | ADENO |
CL2001032260AA (testset) | other | 0.36751 | 0.63249 | other |
CL2001032301AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.68161 | 0.31839 | ADENO |
CL2001032304AA (testset) | other | 0.38006 | 0.61994 | other |
CL2001032305AA (testset) | other | 0.52663 | 0.47337 | ADENO |
CL2001032306AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.94209 | 0.05791 | ADENO |
CL2001032307AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.81875 | 0.18125 | ADENO |
CL2001032308AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.93538 | 0.06462 | ADENO |
CL2001032309AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95688 | 0.04312 | ADENO |
CL2001032310AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9144 | 0.0856 | ADENO |
CL2001032311AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98816 | 0.01184 | ADENO |
CL2001032312AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99576 | 0.00424 | ADENO |
CL2001032313AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.91884 | 0.08116 | ADENO |
CL2001032314AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.90216 | 0.09784 | ADENO |
CL2001032316AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95359 | 0.04641 | ADENO |
CL2001032601AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99628 | 0.00372 | ADENO |
CL2001032602AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99093 | 0.00907 | ADENO |
CL2001032604AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99358 | 0.00642 | ADENO |
CL2001032607AA (testset) | other | 0.0225 | 0.9775 | other |
CL2001032608AA (testset) | other | 0.21858 | 0.78142 | other |
CL2001032610AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.93605 | 0.06395 | ADENO |
CL2001032612AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99695 | 0.00305 | ADENO |
CL2001032613AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95829 | 0.04171 | ADENO |
CL2001032614AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97842 | 0.02158 | ADENO |
CL2001032616AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.92258 | 0.07742 | ADENO |
CL2001032617AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.77687 | 0.22313 | ADENO |
CL2001032620AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99305 | 0.00695 | ADENO |
CL2001032625AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98107 | 0.01893 | ADENO |
CL2001032627AA (testset) | other | 0.21357 | 0.78643 | other |
CL2001032628AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99324 | 0.00676 | ADENO |
CL2001032629AA (testset) | other | 0.09225 | 0.90775 | other |
CL2001032630AA (testset) | other | 0.01273 | 0.98727 | other |
CL2001032632AA (testset) | other | 0.34899 | 0.65101 | other |
CL2001032638AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.7934 | 0.2066 | ADENO |
CL2001032640AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95787 | 0.04213 | ADENO |
CL2001032643AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.93235 | 0.06765 | ADENO |
CL2001032644AA (testset) | other | 0.06452 | 0.93548 | other |
CL2001032647AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98834 | 0.01166 | ADENO |
CL2001032701AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96924 | 0.03076 | ADENO |
CL2001032702AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99276 | 0.00724 | ADENO |
CL2001032703AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98415 | 0.01585 | ADENO |
CL2001032704AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.92965 | 0.07035 | ADENO |
CL2001032706AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98613 | 0.01387 | ADENO |
CL2001032709AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98486 | 0.01514 | ADENO |
CL2001032716AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.71154 | 0.28846 | ADENO |
CL2001032717AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98986 | 0.01014 | ADENO |
CL2001032718AA (testset) | other | 0.05024 | 0.94976 | other |
CL2001032719AA (testset) | other | 0.50715 | 0.49285 | ADENO |
CL2001032720AA (testset) | other | 0.30893 | 0.69107 | other |
CL2001032722AA (testset) | other | 0.00048 | 0.99952 | other |
CL2001032724AA (testset) | other | 0.8001 | 0.1999 | ADENO |
CL2001032725AA (testset) | other | 0.19428 | 0.80572 | other |
CL2001032727AA (testset) | other | 0.86146 | 0.13854 | ADENO |
CL2001032729AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98992 | 0.01008 | ADENO |
CL2001032730AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96947 | 0.03053 | ADENO |
CL2001032732AA (testset) | other | 0.339 | 0.661 | other |
CL2001032733AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99343 | 0.00657 | ADENO |
CL2001032738AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97988 | 0.02012 | ADENO |
CL2001032742AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.90415 | 0.09585 | ADENO |
CL2001032746AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98652 | 0.01348 | ADENO |
CL2001032747AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.83632 | 0.16368 | ADENO |
CL2001032833AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98104 | 0.01896 | ADENO |
CL2001032836AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98564 | 0.01436 | ADENO |
CL2001032838AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97864 | 0.02136 | ADENO |
CL2001032839AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.83145 | 0.16855 | ADENO |
CL2001032841AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99812 | 0.00188 | ADENO |
CL2001032842AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98212 | 0.01788 | ADENO |
CL2001032843AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97508 | 0.02492 | ADENO |
CL2001032845AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97083 | 0.02917 | ADENO |
CL2001032846AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99586 | 0.00414 | ADENO |
CL2001032847AA (testset) | other | 0.00207 | 0.99793 | other |
CL2001032848AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.45142 | 0.54858 | other |
CL2001032850AA (testset) | other | 0.00285 | 0.99715 | other |
CL2001032853AA (testset) | other | 0.07975 | 0.92025 | other |
CL2001032854AA (testset) | other | 0.61212 | 0.38788 | ADENO |
CL2001032856AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95753 | 0.04247 | ADENO |
CL2001032857AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99499 | 0.00501 | ADENO |
CL2001032860AA (testset) | other | 0.00127 | 0.99873 | other |
CL2001040305AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96785 | 0.03215 | ADENO |
CL2001040306AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97542 | 0.02458 | ADENO |
CL2001041708AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99021 | 0.00979 | ADENO |
CL2001041711AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99454 | 0.00546 | ADENO |
CL2001041716AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99758 | 0.00242 | ADENO |
CL2001042501AA (testset) | other | 0.0048 | 0.9952 | other |
CL2001042505AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98089 | 0.01911 | ADENO |
CL2001042506AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97199 | 0.02801 | ADENO |