GO:0007275 | development | Biological Process |
GO:0007275 | development |
The following 98 of these are used in classification:
Symbol | Genename | ADENO score | other score | |
41338_at | AES | amino-terminal enhancer of split | -0.2749 | 0.5971 |
35414_s_at | JAG1 | jagged 1 (Alagille syndrome) | -0.2493 | 0.5415 |
41337_at | AES | amino-terminal enhancer of split | -0.2092 | 0.4544 |
33178_at | JAG1 | jagged 1 (Alagille syndrome) | -0.2003 | 0.435 |
32648_at | DLK1 | delta-like 1 homolog (Drosophila) | -0.1849 | 0.4015 |
32184_at | LMO2 | LIM domain only 2 (rhombotin-like 1) | -0.1705 | 0.3703 |
1897_at | TGFBR3 | transforming growth factor, beta receptor III (betaglycan, 300kDa) | -0.143 | 0.3106 |
943_at | RUNX1 | runt-related transcription factor 1 (acute myeloid leukemia 1; aml1 oncogene) | 0.1299 | -0.2822 |
36499_at | CELSR2 | cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (flamingo homolog, Drosophila) | -0.1282 | 0.2784 |
469_at | EFNB3 | ephrin-B3 | -0.1265 | 0.2747 |
1693_s_at | TIMP1 | tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (erythroid potentiating activity, collagenase inhibitor) | 0.1216 | -0.2641 |
37912_at | TRAF4 | TNF receptor-associated factor 4 | 0.1164 | -0.2528 |
33169_at | NEO1 | neogenin homolog 1 (chicken) | -0.1044 | 0.2268 |
1984_s_at | ARHGDIB | Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) beta | 0.0994 | -0.216 |
36336_s_at | GPX4 | glutathione peroxidase 4 (phospholipid hydroperoxidase) | 0.0992 | -0.2153 |
2091_at | WNT4 | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4 | -0.0922 | 0.2003 |
39421_at | RUNX1 | runt-related transcription factor 1 (acute myeloid leukemia 1; aml1 oncogene) | 0.0913 | -0.1984 |
36061_at | SEMA5A | sema domain, seven thrombospondin repeats (type 1 and type 1-like), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 5A | -0.0901 | 0.1956 |
34782_at | JARID2 | Jumonji, AT rich interactive domain 2 | -0.0824 | 0.1789 |
40395_at | PLXNA2 | plexin A2 | -0.0781 | 0.1696 |
38551_at | L1CAM | L1 cell adhesion molecule (hydrocephalus, stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius 1, MASA (mental retardation, aphasia, shuffling gait and adducted thumbs) syndrome, spastic paraplegia 1) | -0.0769 | 0.1671 |
39061_at | BST2 | bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 | 0.076 | -0.165 |
38132_at | CDC42EP1 | CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 1 | 0.0707 | -0.1535 |
39990_at | ISL1 | ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain, (islet-1) | -0.0683 | 0.1482 |
41087_at | DLX5 | distal-less homeo box 5 | -0.0681 | 0.148 |
38111_at | CSPG2 | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 2 (versican) | 0.0639 | -0.1388 |
38855_s_at | OLFM1 | olfactomedin 1 | -0.0639 | 0.1388 |
37633_s_at | PAEP | progestagen-associated endometrial protein (placental protein 14, pregnancy-associated endometrial alpha-2-globulin, alpha uterine protein) | 0.0638 | -0.1385 |
31682_s_at | CSPG2 | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 2 (versican) | 0.0614 | -0.1334 |
36799_at | FZD2 | frizzled homolog 2 (Drosophila) | 0.0607 | -0.1319 |
36134_at | OLFM1 | olfactomedin 1 | -0.0596 | 0.1295 |
39542_at | ENC1 | ectodermal-neural cortex (with BTB-like domain) | 0.052 | -0.1129 |
33929_at | GPC1 | glypican 1 | -0.049 | 0.1064 |
34626_at | HIC1 | hypermethylated in cancer 1 | 0.0486 | -0.1056 |
33133_at | FLII | flightless I homolog (Drosophila) | 0.0469 | -0.1018 |
38112_g_at | CSPG2 | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 2 (versican) | 0.0467 | -0.1014 |
33348_at | TCF12 | transcription factor 12 (HTF4, helix-loop-helix transcription factors 4) | -0.0463 | 0.1006 |
40199_at | MSX1 | msh homeo box homolog 1 (Drosophila) | -0.0444 | 0.0965 |
33783_at | PLXNB1 | plexin B1 | -0.0425 | 0.0922 |
38671_at | PLXND1 | plexin D1 | 0.0412 | -0.0894 |
37918_at | ITGB2 | integrin, beta 2 (antigen CD18 (p95), lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; macrophage antigen 1 (mac-1) beta subunit) | 0.0405 | -0.088 |
40873_at | DVL3 | dishevelled, dsh homolog 3 (Drosophila) | -0.0396 | 0.0861 |
39051_at | NNAT | neuronatin | -0.0395 | 0.0858 |
1881_at | RUNX1 | runt-related transcription factor 1 (acute myeloid leukemia 1; aml1 oncogene) | 0.0373 | -0.081 |
39638_at | TFAP4 | transcription factor AP-4 (activating enhancer binding protein 4) | -0.0356 | 0.0773 |
39833_at | MINK | misshapen/NIK-related kinase | -0.0337 | 0.0731 |
40312_at | DACH | dachshund homolog (Drosophila) | -0.0324 | 0.0704 |
41705_at | RFNG | radical fringe homolog (Drosophila) | 0.032 | -0.0695 |
1579_at | OSM | oncostatin M | 0.0315 | -0.0685 |
32521_at | SFRP1 | secreted frizzled-related protein 1 | -0.0314 | 0.0683 |
115_at | THBS1 | thrombospondin 1 | 0.0299 | -0.0649 |
36065_at | LDB2 | LIM domain binding 2 | -0.0299 | 0.0649 |
35939_s_at | POU4F1 | POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 1 | -0.0294 | 0.0638 |
31843_at | ESRRG | estrogen-related receptor gamma | -0.0293 | 0.0637 |
38356_at | FST | follistatin | -0.028 | 0.0608 |
36275_at | SEMA6A | sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6A | -0.0279 | 0.0605 |
40127_at | PRRX1 | paired related homeobox 1 | 0.0274 | -0.0594 |
2090_i_at | WNT6 | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 6 | 0.0263 | -0.0571 |
40392_at | CDX2 | caudal type homeo box transcription factor 2 | 0.026 | -0.0564 |
34819_at | CD164 | CD164 antigen, sialomucin | -0.0251 | 0.0545 |
33130_at | HOXD1 | homeo box D1 | 0.025 | -0.0543 |
33319_at | AXIN1 | axin 1 | 0.0224 | -0.0487 |
376_at | SEMA3C | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3C | 0.022 | -0.0479 |
1882_g_at | RUNX1 | runt-related transcription factor 1 (acute myeloid leukemia 1; aml1 oncogene) | 0.0211 | -0.0458 |
32535_at | FBN1 | fibrillin 1 (Marfan syndrome) | 0.0207 | -0.045 |
37530_s_at | RELN | reelin | -0.0201 | 0.0437 |
40020_at | CELSR3 | cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (flamingo homolog, Drosophila) | -0.02 | 0.0434 |
188_at | EFNB1 | ephrin-B1 | -0.0191 | 0.0415 |
867_s_at | THBS1 | thrombospondin 1 | 0.0188 | -0.0407 |
39406_at | BMP1 | bone morphogenetic protein 1 | 0.0184 | -0.0399 |
41215_s_at | ID2 | inhibitor of DNA binding 2, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein | -0.0178 | 0.0387 |
37248_at | CPZ | carboxypeptidase Z | 0.0154 | -0.0334 |
37634_at | PAEP | progestagen-associated endometrial protein (placental protein 14, pregnancy-associated endometrial alpha-2-globulin, alpha uterine protein) | 0.0151 | -0.0329 |
36422_s_at | CHRD | chordin | 0.0125 | -0.0272 |
33045_r_at | EMX1 | empty spiracles homolog 1 (Drosophila) | 0.0125 | -0.0272 |
38271_at | HDAC4 | histone deacetylase 4 | -0.0124 | 0.027 |
40004_at | SIX1 | sine oculis homeobox homolog 1 (Drosophila) | -0.0113 | 0.0245 |
31908_at | LFNG | lunatic fringe homolog (Drosophila) | 0.0111 | -0.024 |
169_at | CDX1 | caudal type homeo box transcription factor 1 | 0.0106 | -0.0231 |
393_s_at | RUNX1 | runt-related transcription factor 1 (acute myeloid leukemia 1; aml1 oncogene) | 0.0098 | -0.0213 |
31609_s_at | PCOLCE | procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer | 0.0097 | -0.0212 |
1400_at | CSF2 | colony stimulating factor 2 (granulocyte-macrophage) | 0.0095 | -0.0207 |
39474_s_at | CKTSF1B1 | cysteine knot superfamily 1, BMP antagonist 1 | 0.0093 | -0.0202 |
163_at | DVL1 | dishevelled, dsh homolog 1 (Drosophila) | 0.0089 | -0.0194 |
41201_at | DNM1L | dynamin 1-like | -0.0087 | 0.0189 |
33137_at | LTBP4 | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 | -0.0084 | 0.0182 |
38589_i_at | PTMA | prothymosin, alpha (gene sequence 28) | 0.0081 | -0.0175 |
38831_f_at | EPO | erythropoietin | -0.0072 | 0.0156 |
37663_at | DDX1 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 1 | -0.0063 | 0.0137 |
377_g_at | SEMA3C | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3C | 0.0041 | -0.009 |
39610_at | HOXB2 | homeo box B2 | -0.0039 | 0.0084 |
1572_s_at | INSR | insulin receptor | -0.0037 | 0.0079 |
170_at | CDX2 | caudal type homeo box transcription factor 2 | 0.0023 | -0.005 |
34148_at | SIX3 | sine oculis homeobox homolog 3 (Drosophila) | -9e-04 | 0.002 |
41014_s_at | PITX2 | paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 | 6e-04 | -0.0013 |
33606_g_at | NKX2-2 | NK2 transcription factor related, locus 2 (Drosophila) | -4e-04 | 0.001 |
40856_at | SERPINF1 | serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, clade F (alpha-2 antiplasmin, pigment epithelium derived factor), member 1 | 3e-04 | -7e-04 |
34165_at | NKX2-8 | NK2 transcription factor related, locus 8 (Drosophila) | 2e-04 | -4e-04 |
Sensitivity | Specificity | |
ADENO | 0.98561 | 0.84375 |
other | 0.84375 | 0.98561 |
Sensitivity | Specificity | |
ADENO | 0.98561 | 0.84375 |
other | 0.84375 | 0.98561 |
Class | ADENO | other | Predictionn | |
CL2001031606AA (testset) | other | 0.80378 | 0.19622 | ADENO |
CL2001031607AA (testset) | other | 0.22575 | 0.77425 | other |
CL2001031608AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97008 | 0.02992 | ADENO |
CL2001031609AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001031611AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99814 | 0.00186 | ADENO |
CL2001031612AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.8569 | 0.1431 | ADENO |
CL2001031613AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97871 | 0.02129 | ADENO |
CL2001031615AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99477 | 0.00523 | ADENO |
CL2001031616AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99523 | 0.00477 | ADENO |
CL2001031618AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99262 | 0.00738 | ADENO |
CL2001031620AA (testset) | other | 0.02125 | 0.97875 | other |
CL2001031621AA (testset) | other | 0.67375 | 0.32625 | ADENO |
CL2001031622AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.93707 | 0.06293 | ADENO |
CL2001031625AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97797 | 0.02203 | ADENO |
CL2001031627AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99234 | 0.00766 | ADENO |
CL2001031628AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99996 | 4e-05 | ADENO |
CL2001031629AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95106 | 0.04894 | ADENO |
CL2001031630AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99926 | 0.00074 | ADENO |
CL2001031631AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9921 | 0.0079 | ADENO |
CL2001031632AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99251 | 0.00749 | ADENO |
CL2001031634AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97071 | 0.02929 | ADENO |
CL2001031635AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99976 | 0.00024 | ADENO |
CL2001031636AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99349 | 0.00651 | ADENO |
CL2001032002AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99244 | 0.00756 | ADENO |
CL2001032005AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.76391 | 0.23609 | ADENO |
CL2001032008AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99561 | 0.00439 | ADENO |
CL2001032009AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99856 | 0.00144 | ADENO |
CL2001032010AA (testset) | other | 0.94549 | 0.05451 | ADENO |
CL2001032011AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99673 | 0.00327 | ADENO |
CL2001032012AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98276 | 0.01724 | ADENO |
CL2001032013AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99891 | 0.00109 | ADENO |
CL2001032015AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.96753 | 0.03247 | ADENO |
CL2001032016AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99687 | 0.00313 | ADENO |
CL2001032019AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9999 | 1e-04 | ADENO |
CL2001032020AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99967 | 0.00033 | ADENO |
CL2001032025AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99931 | 0.00069 | ADENO |
CL2001032026AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9875 | 0.0125 | ADENO |
CL2001032027AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99106 | 0.00894 | ADENO |
CL2001032030AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98686 | 0.01314 | ADENO |
CL2001032031AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98129 | 0.01871 | ADENO |
CL2001032032AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.94408 | 0.05592 | ADENO |
CL2001032034AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.37326 | 0.62674 | other |
CL2001032036AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.85489 | 0.14511 | ADENO |
CL2001032041AA (testset) | other | 0.35522 | 0.64478 | other |
CL2001032043AA (testset) | other | 0.01491 | 0.98509 | other |
CL2001032044AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001032045AA (testset) | other | 0.16238 | 0.83762 | other |
CL2001032046AA (testset) | other | 0.14367 | 0.85633 | other |
CL2001032101AA (testset) | other | 4e-05 | 0.99996 | other |
CL2001032102AA (testset) | other | 0.41639 | 0.58361 | other |
CL2001032103AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9987 | 0.0013 | ADENO |
CL2001032104AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9967 | 0.0033 | ADENO |
CL2001032105AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98829 | 0.01171 | ADENO |
CL2001032107AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99851 | 0.00149 | ADENO |
CL2001032108AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99593 | 0.00407 | ADENO |
CL2001032109AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.64576 | 0.35424 | ADENO |
CL2001032110AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99898 | 0.00102 | ADENO |
CL2001032111AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.93618 | 0.06382 | ADENO |
CL2001032113AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.80894 | 0.19106 | ADENO |
CL2001032114AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99925 | 0.00075 | ADENO |
CL2001032115AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99641 | 0.00359 | ADENO |
CL2001032116AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99734 | 0.00266 | ADENO |
CL2001032117AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99691 | 0.00309 | ADENO |
CL2001032121AA (testset) | other | 0.03771 | 0.96229 | other |
CL2001032122AA (testset) | other | 0.38934 | 0.61066 | other |
CL2001032124AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001032125AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98494 | 0.01506 | ADENO |
CL2001032127AA (testset) | other | 1e-05 | 0.99999 | other |
CL2001032128AA (testset) | other | 0.15399 | 0.84601 | other |
CL2001032129AA (testset) | other | 0.15578 | 0.84422 | other |
CL2001032130AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99961 | 0.00039 | ADENO |
CL2001032132AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98058 | 0.01942 | ADENO |
CL2001032134AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.94635 | 0.05365 | ADENO |
CL2001032135AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98541 | 0.01459 | ADENO |
CL2001032136AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98873 | 0.01127 | ADENO |
CL2001032138AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99863 | 0.00137 | ADENO |
CL2001032141AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99686 | 0.00314 | ADENO |
CL2001032142AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.67928 | 0.32072 | ADENO |
CL2001032144AA (testset) | other | 0.06638 | 0.93362 | other |
CL2001032145AA (testset) | other | 0.00185 | 0.99815 | other |
CL2001032147AA (testset) | other | 0.20492 | 0.79508 | other |
CL2001032149AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99866 | 0.00134 | ADENO |
CL2001032151AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001032152AA (testset) | other | 0.00279 | 0.99721 | other |
CL2001032153AA (testset) | other | 0.10391 | 0.89609 | other |
CL2001032155AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.704 | 0.296 | ADENO |
CL2001032156AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.61019 | 0.38981 | ADENO |
CL2001032202AA (testset) | other | 0.02727 | 0.97273 | other |
CL2001032206AA (testset) | other | 0.68937 | 0.31063 | ADENO |
CL2001032207AA (testset) | other | 0.30159 | 0.69841 | other |
CL2001032209AA (testset) | other | 0.00171 | 0.99829 | other |
CL2001032210AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001032211AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97553 | 0.02447 | ADENO |
CL2001032212AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.94966 | 0.05034 | ADENO |
CL2001032213AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99046 | 0.00954 | ADENO |
CL2001032214AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.89524 | 0.10476 | ADENO |
CL2001032217AA (testset) | other | 0.00414 | 0.99586 | other |
CL2001032218AA (testset) | other | 0.00864 | 0.99136 | other |
CL2001032219AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001032220AA (testset) | other | 0.12803 | 0.87197 | other |
CL2001032222AA (testset) | other | 0.22875 | 0.77125 | other |
CL2001032229AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99632 | 0.00368 | ADENO |
CL2001032231AA (testset) | other | 0.49103 | 0.50897 | other |
CL2001032232AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99981 | 0.00019 | ADENO |
CL2001032233AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99989 | 0.00011 | ADENO |
CL2001032238AA (testset) | other | 0.00781 | 0.99219 | other |
CL2001032239AA (testset) | other | 0.01093 | 0.98907 | other |
CL2001032240AA (testset) | other | 0.46138 | 0.53862 | other |
CL2001032241AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99945 | 0.00055 | ADENO |
CL2001032242AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99987 | 0.00013 | ADENO |
CL2001032243AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99404 | 0.00596 | ADENO |
CL2001032248AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95592 | 0.04408 | ADENO |
CL2001032249AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99918 | 0.00082 | ADENO |
CL2001032252AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.89001 | 0.10999 | ADENO |
CL2001032254AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99991 | 9e-05 | ADENO |
CL2001032255AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99901 | 0.00099 | ADENO |
CL2001032256AA (testset) | other | 0.94342 | 0.05658 | ADENO |
CL2001032259AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.93402 | 0.06598 | ADENO |
CL2001032260AA (testset) | other | 0.03119 | 0.96881 | other |
CL2001032301AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.90449 | 0.09551 | ADENO |
CL2001032304AA (testset) | other | 0.92046 | 0.07954 | ADENO |
CL2001032305AA (testset) | other | 0.85659 | 0.14341 | ADENO |
CL2001032306AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9937 | 0.0063 | ADENO |
CL2001032307AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.64685 | 0.35315 | ADENO |
CL2001032308AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9608 | 0.0392 | ADENO |
CL2001032309AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99093 | 0.00907 | ADENO |
CL2001032310AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98271 | 0.01729 | ADENO |
CL2001032311AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.94859 | 0.05141 | ADENO |
CL2001032312AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99915 | 0.00085 | ADENO |
CL2001032313AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99934 | 0.00066 | ADENO |
CL2001032314AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99646 | 0.00354 | ADENO |
CL2001032316AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99876 | 0.00124 | ADENO |
CL2001032601AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9992 | 8e-04 | ADENO |
CL2001032602AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.97664 | 0.02336 | ADENO |
CL2001032604AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9905 | 0.0095 | ADENO |
CL2001032607AA (testset) | other | 1e-05 | 0.99999 | other |
CL2001032608AA (testset) | other | 0.02729 | 0.97271 | other |
CL2001032610AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98449 | 0.01551 | ADENO |
CL2001032612AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98443 | 0.01557 | ADENO |
CL2001032613AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99812 | 0.00188 | ADENO |
CL2001032614AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99482 | 0.00518 | ADENO |
CL2001032616AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9758 | 0.0242 | ADENO |
CL2001032617AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9616 | 0.0384 | ADENO |
CL2001032620AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99485 | 0.00515 | ADENO |
CL2001032625AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98579 | 0.01421 | ADENO |
CL2001032627AA (testset) | other | 0.2046 | 0.7954 | other |
CL2001032628AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99978 | 0.00022 | ADENO |
CL2001032629AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001032630AA (testset) | other | 4e-05 | 0.99996 | other |
CL2001032632AA (testset) | other | 0.01176 | 0.98824 | other |
CL2001032638AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.9517 | 0.0483 | ADENO |
CL2001032640AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.91737 | 0.08263 | ADENO |
CL2001032643AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99887 | 0.00113 | ADENO |
CL2001032644AA (testset) | other | 0.24688 | 0.75312 | other |
CL2001032647AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99887 | 0.00113 | ADENO |
CL2001032701AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99556 | 0.00444 | ADENO |
CL2001032702AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99595 | 0.00405 | ADENO |
CL2001032703AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99898 | 0.00102 | ADENO |
CL2001032704AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98241 | 0.01759 | ADENO |
CL2001032706AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.998 | 0.002 | ADENO |
CL2001032709AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99968 | 0.00032 | ADENO |
CL2001032716AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.85056 | 0.14944 | ADENO |
CL2001032717AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99069 | 0.00931 | ADENO |
CL2001032718AA (testset) | other | 0.00579 | 0.99421 | other |
CL2001032719AA (testset) | other | 0.86594 | 0.13406 | ADENO |
CL2001032720AA (testset) | other | 1e-05 | 0.99999 | other |
CL2001032722AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001032724AA (testset) | other | 0.77084 | 0.22916 | ADENO |
CL2001032725AA (testset) | other | 0.01438 | 0.98562 | other |
CL2001032727AA (testset) | other | 0.07009 | 0.92991 | other |
CL2001032729AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99182 | 0.00818 | ADENO |
CL2001032730AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99465 | 0.00535 | ADENO |
CL2001032732AA (testset) | other | 0.19311 | 0.80689 | other |
CL2001032733AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99649 | 0.00351 | ADENO |
CL2001032738AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99729 | 0.00271 | ADENO |
CL2001032742AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.80176 | 0.19824 | ADENO |
CL2001032746AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.998 | 0.002 | ADENO |
CL2001032747AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98686 | 0.01314 | ADENO |
CL2001032833AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99926 | 0.00074 | ADENO |
CL2001032836AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99947 | 0.00053 | ADENO |
CL2001032838AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99582 | 0.00418 | ADENO |
CL2001032839AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.95233 | 0.04767 | ADENO |
CL2001032841AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99981 | 0.00019 | ADENO |
CL2001032842AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99793 | 0.00207 | ADENO |
CL2001032843AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99565 | 0.00435 | ADENO |
CL2001032845AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99926 | 0.00074 | ADENO |
CL2001032846AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99768 | 0.00232 | ADENO |
CL2001032847AA (testset) | other | 3e-05 | 0.99997 | other |
CL2001032848AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.06475 | 0.93525 | other |
CL2001032850AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001032853AA (testset) | other | 0.5172 | 0.4828 | ADENO |
CL2001032854AA (testset) | other | 0.00042 | 0.99958 | other |
CL2001032856AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99916 | 0.00084 | ADENO |
CL2001032857AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99674 | 0.00326 | ADENO |
CL2001032860AA (testset) | other | 0 | 1 | other |
CL2001040305AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98673 | 0.01327 | ADENO |
CL2001040306AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98357 | 0.01643 | ADENO |
CL2001041708AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99948 | 0.00052 | ADENO |
CL2001041711AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99429 | 0.00571 | ADENO |
CL2001041716AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.99226 | 0.00774 | ADENO |
CL2001042501AA (testset) | other | 3e-05 | 0.99997 | other |
CL2001042505AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.5189 | 0.4811 | ADENO |
CL2001042506AA (testset) | ADENO | 0.98797 | 0.01203 | ADENO |