nem - Nested Effects Models to Reconstruct Phenotypic HierarchiesThe package 'nem' allows to reconstruct features of pathways from the nested structure of perturbation effects. It takes as input (1.) a set of pathway components, which were perturbed, and (2.) high-dimensional phenotypic readout of these perturbations (e.g. gene expression or morphological profiles). The output is a directed graph representing the phenotypic hierarchy. Publications
DownloadDownload the tared and gzipped source file, which is compliant to Bioconductor. To run the package, you need R and at least packages e1071, graph, RBGL and Rgraphviz from Bioconductor. Direct installation from the CompDiag R/Bioconductor-repositoryStart the R version where you want to install adSplit. Use the following commands on the R prompt to install StAM directly from our repository: library(reposTools) z <- getReposEntry("http://compdiag.molgen.mpg.de/software/Rrepos") install.packages2("nem", z) |